Monday, December 01, 2003

Annaqed (English Section) - News and Comments - Mahathir's Speech Encouraged Ignorance Among Muslims
The word Annaqed means "the critic" in Arabic. This article came to my attention, of course, through the good offices of the Middle East Media Research Institute. It is the first time that an American Muslim has squarely rebutted a hateful speech by a militant fundamentalist Muslim. But is this the sort of thing that a Christian can support? This critic actually dares challenge Allah to give another revelation to "abrogate" all the hateful anti-Jewish things that we all know that the Koran contains. In a Christian we would roundly criticize this sort of thing as not only putting God into a box but also, and worse, adding to the Bible [Revelation 22:18]. Tragically, those Koran passages will not go away, and they can only provoke war [Matthew 24:6. But that war will be a three-cornered war--among Christians in one corner, Muslims in a second, and secularists and "cafeteria religionists" both Christian and Muslim, in the third.

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