Friday, October 08, 2004

Steven J. Ertelt over at has this needed perspective on a recent US Presidential campaign ad: New Michael J. Fox Stem Cell Research Ad for John Kerry Distorts Science. You'd think that after several reputable scientists already dismissed the idea that Alzheimer's Disease would ever lend itself to therapy with embryonic stem cells, even a dishonest politician like John F. Kerry would stop beating that dead horse--or donkey, as the case may be. (And as Steve points out, even Ronald P. Reagan--who, BTW, is not a "junior"--admits that.) But no-o-o-o! (or as the Greeks used to say, me genoito.)

Of course, this is bigger even than the selection of the next President of the USA, as big as that might seem today. As all of us good prophecy students know, a time will come when even a Presidential election will look like a summary relief-of-command aboard the Titanic. No, this stem-cell debate is about regarding human life so cheap that people will think nothing of killing one person to benefit another. In other words, murder, as John the Revelator [ch. 9:22] says in detail, will become the order of the day.

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