Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My Way News - Turkish Lawmakers Remove Head Scarf Ban
AP reports: "Lawmakers voted early Thursday to approve a constitutional amendment allowing female students to enter universities wearing Islamic head scarves - a move some Turks see as a threat to the traditional separation of church and state."

Comment: This is unfortunate, and even worse is the fact that the EU is pushing this. They are playing with fire.


Anonymous said...

Funny how Christians think banning religious symbols is so great when the symbol is considered to be Islamic (Christian women and their male "heads" neatly ignore the apostolic commands of 1Corinthians 11:5 that women's heads be covered when they pray-- and mind you that the prayer of Christians is supposed to be continuous) would you feel if, before you entered a university or courthouse, you were stripped of the cross dangling from your neck, and perhaps also sent to jail for having the audacity to wear a religious symbol into a "public" institution? Christians are the ones who are burning Christ on the false altar of secularism in America-- you who claim to approach God in Jesus' name-- are the ones "playing with fire": you cannot worship two gods, Jesus said. If America is a "nation under God" then why can't God's name be mentioned openly in public school graduation ceremonies without triggering a battle in court? Wake up, people, before it's too late. Turkey was ruled and is still ruled essentially by a military dictatorship that feels threatened by religious expression, and you are on the side of those opposing religious expression! Paraphrasing what Pastor Martin Neimoller said of the Nazis, "First the Beast came to strip off the head scarf of the Muslim woman who clothes her self in God-consciousness and obedience to God, but I was not a Muslim, so I cheered him on..." Or as the Song of Solomon cries out: the antichrist tore the veil of the Bride twice as she searched for her beloved.... what veil is left to tear on today's "Christian" woman? Her G-string? The banding on her push-up bra that creates the exposed, implanted cleavage that smothers the cross dangling from her bare neck (just under her new tattoo, her roughed cheeks, and her falsely reddened lips, simularing continual sexual while calling herself "liberated")? Maybe the antichrist could tear off the American Christian womans's gold anklet that dangles beneath her other tattoo, and that sparkles under the strobe lights as she writhes around in public as one engaged in a sex act, wearing 3" heels designed by a homosexual man in Miami? This image of harlotry that typifies "modern" American women is the image that secular Turkis women want so desperately to emulate (the whore Babylon exports her sins to the world), and that they are terrified of giving up in the name of God. Think again who is headed for the flames, and what the Bible says about how women should clothe and conduct themselves, if you care, if you dare! Babylon's Queen bears the torch of the godless libertines of paris in New York's harbor, as she sets fire to all that is holy, and calls it freedom and her right. She divides herself with a wall from Whom she claims to love and then begs for His protection. Super Tuesday annointed New York's secular Queen and Chief Abortionist, Hillary Clinton, as the next Prez, in of all places the "buckle of the Bible Belt" Tennessee. And the wrath came..... Then they emerged from the ashes, on Ash Wednesday. The experts attribute the magnitude and multitude of tornadoes to La Nina, the little girl, who typically follows El Nino, the little boy, a weather pattern of import named in honor of the Infant Jesus. You can thank God for the mercy shown during the storm, but you better consider that more is at stake than the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the secular NOAA) can explain. Better consult the original Noah for a more detailed, in-depth, analysis.

La Nina

Portents said...

La Nina, thanks for your comment. I think you have maybe taken my comments out of context. I'd like to take some time to make a more in-depth reply, as my time does not allow me to do that right now. But, I promise I will reply again in a day or two. Thank you.