Monday, January 12, 2015

Global Community

Comment: I'm posting the above news video for two reason. First, as the news headline says, it's a great representation of an event impacting the "global community" and one in which millions of people all over the world have become personally involved thanks to the immediacy of the mobile internet and social networks. When people send each other their comments and catchy hashtags go viral, it's a great example of the kind of connectivity foretold by John in the Book of Revelation. I use the tag "global community" to archive such news reports, you can find the link over on the right side of the page.

The second reason I'm posting this is to demonstrate the perverse and willful blindness of our news guardians who have bought into the Palestinian narrative of victim-hood. Instead of highlighting the dangers of radical Islam to France's Jewish population, the AP editor sent their reporter to talk to a Palestinian, who speciously decried the burden of terrorism on the Palestinians. That comment, of course, goes unexamined and is presented as a self-evident truth. There indeed have been Palestinian victims of terrorism. For example, there are numerous documented incidents of Palestinian bomb-makers accidentally blowing themselves up before attacking their Jewish targets. That, I suspect, is not what the interviewee had in mind. They sought, rather, to redefine the terms (as all activists do) to suggest that Israeli actions towards the Palestinians (in retaliation of missile attacks perhaps?) constitute terrorism. As I said, the statement was presented without elaboration or context, simply sent out by the AP to confirm the bias of those already infected by groupthink. It's a brilliant example of how our Western news media have become co-opted by those who wish us harm.

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