Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Wickedness Increases

'Vicious" needle scare now includes apples, bananas in Australia - UPI.com
UPI reports: "The needle scare in Australia has grown worse -- moving from strawberries now possibly to apples and bananas, authorities said Tuesday. Officials said an apple and banana in Sydney have been found to contain needles, and 20 new cases involving strawberries have been reported in New South Wales. In one case, a man was hospitalized."

Comment: I know that I don't make many posts under the "wickedness increases" tag. That's not because I can't find news reports that relate to that. It's more like there are too many news reports that might fall under that category and I don't want it to be the only thing I post. That would be depressing after a while, right? We all understand this is a fallen world and evil people will act out the evil that is in their hearts. We see it in the headlines every day. But there's just something about this needle scare that is so horrible, more than just your run of the mill story of inhumanity, this is a very cold, calculating and malicious act. Praying that they catch the culprit!

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