Thursday, August 14, 2003

Gibson Says He Has 'Softened' Crucifixion Story in New Jesus Movie--
If this is true, then it is worse than a shame. It's nice to dream that not all of the Jewish leaders favored crucifixion, or that not everyone in the mob that shouted for His head and said, "His Blood be upon us and on our children" agreed with those sentiments. It's even nice to dream that no one actually said any such thing as that. But Matthew 27:15 says that they did.

We cannot have this. "Dialogue" must never trump the Truth. If people have a problem with the Truth, then ultimately they'll have a problem with the Teller of Truth, when they face Him in the next life.::Submitted for your intolerance of sound doctrine [2 Timothy 4:2-4] files.

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