Thursday, August 14, 2003

Rise of the Cyborgs
From The Orlando Sentinel. This is not Snopes bait--this is real. And the possibilities for enhancing the power of the Beastly Regime [Revelation 13] are staggering. Just imagine:

A security guard carries monitoring to a brand-new level--by linking directly to a camera and mike array and thus being able to cover a stakeout without even being there--and without detection. Or he carries it further--by linking to some "defensive" systems. So he zaps someone with poison gas before that someone even knows he's been detected--and, human operator that he is, he knows positively that the intruder is a threat. Forge ID's all you want--if you don't look like the right person, all the forgeries in the world won't fool the system, because the system has human intelligence behind it.

A commando team sends telepathic signals to one another and tracks down an "enemy of the state" with the precision once employed by Velociraptor mongoliensis and similar species of pack-hunting dinosaurs.

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.

::Submitted for your who is like unto the Beast [Revelation 13:4] files.

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