Monday, June 16, 2003

China Continues Raids on Worship Services
The Chinese government's concern with the SARS epidemic has not lessened their zeal for arresting Christians. Local Public Security officers raided a house church meeting in Anshan city in the northeast province of Liaoning. About 40 Christians were tied up and their names recorded. They were released the same night but told that their "illegal gathering" was prohibited. A former leader of this house church previously was sentenced to two years "re-education through labor" on the false charge of being a cult leader. The "illegal religious venue" was closed because it represented "disturbance of social order," a common excuse for persecution of unregistered Christians. When asked to define "legality," the police stated that any unregistered religious meeting operating outside of the "patriotic churches," was regarded as illegal. :: This Religion Today/Compass Direct report is submitted for your persecution (Matthew 24:8) files.

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