Monday, September 08, 2003

WorldNetDaily: Saudi-terror complicity
The House of Saud knew full well about the World Trade Center Incident before it happened. Joseph Farah presents a taste of the evidence he presented in greater detail in his subscriber-based service, "The G2 Bulletin." ("G2" stands for "command staff officer in charge of intelligence for a command of brigade size or larger.")

Joe Farah, a Lebanese Christian, has said time and again that Islam is not a religion of peace, and that America has been dependent on the Saudis for far too long. When he speaks of "cutting apron strings," he really means to drill for oil where we have known reserves, reserves that we do not use for fear of disturbing a sensitive environment, and to investigate any technologies that would eliminate waste of energy and allow us to deliver energy more efficiently. Maybe it's time we listened.

But more to the point, this is another sign that world history is converging on the Middle East--right where the Bible said it would [Daniel, Zechariah, Nahum, Revelation, etc.].

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