Wednesday, April 28, 2004

WorldNetDaily: Dutch ban Islam book
The book, titled De Weg van de Muslim (The Way of the Muslim), openly advocates:
  • Executing homosexuals by throwing them off the roof of a tall building and, if they don't die on impact, stoning them to death after they land.
  • Recognizing the husband as the sole authority in the home and empowering him to beat his wife.
  • The mutilation of female genitals.
  • That a woman who tells a lie be dealt a hundred blows.
  • That a husband has the positive duty to force his wife to have sexual intercourse with him.

In response, two Dutch officials have banned the book, and several parliamentarians want to prosecute the officials of the mosque that the book came from.

Clearly, tolerance of other religions has its limits. Can you doubt that the three-cornered war among Christians, Muslims, and secularists will inevitably escalate? Do not be so sure, however, that Muslims will win this war. A wave of anti-religious secularism could sweep the USA, as euthanasia now threatens to do--and after they have suppressed the Muslims, they will turn their attention against the Christians, saying that we are no better than the Muslims. And in their lead, perhaps, will be the Beast from the Sea and the False Prophet [Revelation 13].

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