Monday, June 13, 2005

Global Spectacle
There was an event today you have no doubt heard about by now, a famous American entertainer was acquitted of criminal charges (ABC Online - Jackson found not guilty on all counts). This post is not about that. This post is about the spectacle of global news events and how they are related to Bible prophecy, specifically Revelation 9:11. This prophecy has to do with the Two Witnesses being executed and then resurrected in full view of the entire world. For many generations this prophecy was difficult to make sense of and many commentators spiritualized it. In pre-modern times, there was simply no way to imagine that an event could be witnessed by everyone on the planet. Thanks to communications satellites, cable news organizations, and the Internet, it is now possible for all of us to participate personally in global news events, witnessing them as they happen, and then registering our reaction to others via the net, e-mail, blogs, and cell phone. Communications companies have noted a sharp increase in phone calls during major news events. The prophecy speaks of people sending each other gifts after the Two Witnesses are executed and I can't help but wonder if these gifts are really e-mails, pictures, ring-tones and videos sent over our global communication system. Time will tell.

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