Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Way News - Israeli Planes Buzz Home of Syria Leader
AP is reporting the latest developments in the latest Mideast crisis:
Israel said its warplanes buzzed the summer residence of President Bashar Assad Wednesday in a bold warning to the country that shelters the political leader of Hamas, the Islamic militant group holding an Israeli soldier captive in the Gaza Strip. [...] The United States accuses Damascus of harboring groups Washington labels "terrorist" including Hezbollah, Hamas and other radical Palestinian factions.
Israel appears to be taking a very restrained and calculated swipe at Syria in an effort to prod Assad into ordering the release of the hostage soldier. As host to the militant Palestinian factions, Assad is in a position to either end the hostage crisis or escalate tensions. Bible prophecy students see Damascus as a tripwire, it has the distinction of being the subject of one of the most explicit and yet to be fulfilled prophecies of the Bible (Isaiah 17:1). Those who doubt the accuracy of Bible prophecy should take careful note of the fate of Damascus. If you doubt, then doubt, but revisit your skepticism when Damascus is destroyed.

1 comment:

God entered into my body, like a body. my perfect size. this is holy ghost baptism. acts 2:38 in the bible said...

pray for me, fiery darts destroying gums, God deseases gum, caresses dick, enters heart to anger his servants, killing all day long, that is tempting them, non stop, to, cause them, to, sin, to, make them, abated, in his eyes, for no reason,