Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Way News - Scientists Criticize Bird Flu Search
AP reports, "Birds from Latin America - not from the north - are most likely to bring deadly bird flu to the main U.S., researchers said Monday, suggesting the government might miss the H5N1 virus because biologists have been looking in the wrong direction." [Pestilence, Luke 21:11]


Anonymous said...

I find this very interesting. An author I heard recently on the radio, Ronald Weinland, was discussing how plagues will be a part of the "Seven Thunders of Revelation," which are supposed to be a sign leading up to the seventh trumpet being blown. He also says that six of the seven seals of Revelation have already been opened. His book is pretty wild, it's online here: http://www.the-end.com

Portents said...

Thank you for your comment.