Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Way News - Palestinians Say Peace Talks Back On

AP reports: "If Israeli-Palestinian talks resume as pledged it will essentially restore the precarious balance in place since President Bush announced last fall that the two sides would resume full negotiations for the first time in seven years. The talks are supposed to frame a deal for a Palestinian state this year."

Comment: It's a bit surreal, there is a peace process going on even as Hamas attacks Israel on a daily basis, from Gaza, which was supposed to be the test case for the "land for peace" formula. If Israel giving up Gaza failed to produce peace in that area, why do they believe that giving up even more land will produce different results? We must remember that according to Bible prophecy, even when they do finally reach a peace agreement and Israel tears down the walls, it will still be an illusory peace. Israel is on a difficult path, the path of choosing whether to trust superpowers and peace agreements to provide security, or to trust the God of Israel, with whom they have a much older treaty.

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