Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama wants to invoke God during inauguration oath - CNN.com
CNN reports: "Michael Newdow, supported by several groups including the American Humanist Association, claims in his lawsuit that 'so help me God' violates the constitutional ban on government 'endorsement' of religion. He asked a federal judge to intervene and block references of God or religion in the formal ceremonies. The lawsuit also opposes the traditional invocation and benediction to be delivered by pastors invited by Obama."

Comment: This is a good example of the idea that some citizens have (contrary to explicit statements by the Founders) that the U.S. is not a Christian country and that when the Constitution protects freedom of religion, what they really meant was freedom from religion. It's nice to see that Mr. Newdow will once gain fail to get God removed from an official ceremony. God bless America, America, bless God. It's a two way street people. You can't invoke the blessings of the Deity and then ignore him or blaspheme his name and expect those blessings to continue. God, like most rational beings, does not take kindly to being mocked.

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