Friday, May 28, 2010

Times Online - Oil spill brings ‘death in the ocean from top to bottom’
Times Online reports: "Onshore, small landfalls of the same sludge have started to cause panic among locals as they coat the marshes. Here, just a few feet beneath the surface, a much bigger disaster is unfolding in slow motion. 'This is terrible, just terrible,' says Dr Shaw, back on the boat. 'The situation in the water column is horrible all the way down. Combined with the dispersants, the toxic effects of the oil will be far worse for sea life. It’s death in the ocean from the top to the bottom.'"

My Way News - 22-mile oil plume under Gulf nears rich waters
My Way News reports: "The cloud was nearing a large underwater canyon whose currents fuel the foodchain in Gulf waters off Florida and could potentially wash the tiny plants and animals that feed larger organisms in a stew of toxic chemicals, another researcher said Friday."

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