Saturday, September 21, 2019

Signs and Wonders in the Heavens

AP - ‘What is that, man?’ Navy confirms videos of flying objects
The AP reports: "The Navy isn’t offering an explanation — at least not publicly — for exactly what that object was. But the service is confirming the authenticity of that video and two others taken from its planes in 2004 and 2015. The release of the videos, which have been circulating online and in news reports, was not authorized, Navy officials said. But the footage has prompted the Navy to publicly discuss an ongoing investigation into sightings by its pilots of what it describes as 'unidentified aerial phenomena' or UAPs in U.S. airspace on both coasts."

Comment: I remember the news reports about the videos from earlier this year, maybe in April or May? Interesting that they are back again. I can't help but wonder why, after all, it's old news. Note the new and apparently trendy designation (or re-definition) of UFOs as “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAPs. I really like that because it ties in directly with scripture and Satan's title and description as the prince and power of the air (Eph. 2:2), ie. the aerial power. We have always speculated that the rapture will be attributed to a mass-abduction and I think this would be underscored if Satan and the fallen angels put on a light show in the air right after the rapture. Nothing physical, just some lights or UAPs (LOL) zipping around, just to be deceptive and lend credibility to the abduction narrative. I think the "UFO threat" idea has a tremendous propaganda value and will have a 9/11-size impact, it will unite the countries of the world to fight against this new ET threat, immediately giving momentum to the beast A/C and changing the entire tenor of world affairs.What do you think?

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