Wednesday, November 01, 2000

Wireless Tracking Device Coming Soon

The age of pervasive computing is about to begin, enabled by the wireless Internet, cell phones, digital implants and secure e-commerce. It will be revolutionary. Of course, these things tend to start small, usually with a novelty application, but the killer application is just around the corner, it will do for the wireless web and m-commerce what e-mail did for the Internet. The day is coming when you will have an invisible datasphere surrounding you, it can contain as much personal data as you like and as permeable as you like, but it will be there, surrounding your body like a wireless ethereal cloud of bits and bites, ready to interact with others and the net at large. Imagine going into a restaurant and placing your order, eating your meal, and leaving, all without reaching into your wallet. Your purchase, from initial order to final payment is conducted seamlessly over the wireless Internet using your previously established direct debit settings. Don't want to authorize that restaurant for direct wireless debit anymore (the service was terrible!), just change your system settings. Or, meet a new person at a business meeting and exchange personal contact info wirelessly all without those annoying PDAs that you actually have to hold in your hand. Forget yor palm, we are talking your body here. You are your data. That day is almost here. It's not the "mark of the beast" but it's a necessary step in the evolution of the technology.

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