Saturday, July 13, 2002

A Few Saudis Defy a Rigid Islam to Debate Their Own Intolerance
Prompted by the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, a cautious debate is taking place in Saudi Arabia's closed society over intolerance toward non-Muslims and attitudes toward the West that are now viewed by some as inspiring unacceptable violence. :: This is a chilling article about attitudes among moderate Islamics towards the West. Why? Because they are moderates and yet they still say things like: "'Well, of course I hate you because you are Christian, but that doesn't mean I want to kill you,' a professor of Islamic law in Riyadh explains to a visiting reporter." I know how much we in the West value peace, but we need to wake up, Huntington was right, this really is a war of civilizations. Islam has declared war on the West in general and the U.S. and Israel in particular and the sooner we accept this fact the sooner we will be able to devise an intelligent strategy for the war on terrorism...the war against Islam. At any rate, this New York Times article is submitted for your battle for Jerusalem (Luke 21:20) and war (Matthew 24:6) files.

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