Friday, November 13, 2009

World not ending in 2012, says NASA -
MSNBC reports: "Contrary to what you may read on the Internet, the world is not going to end in 2012. A rogue planet named Nibiru is not on a collision course with Earth. And a solar flare won't toast the planet."

2012 fears are down for Maya 'Long Count' calendar -
USA Today reports: "Fears about the year 2012 rest on just one of at least three Maya calendar systems unearthed by scholars, the 'Long Count,' which began on Aug. 13, 3114 B.C."

10 failed doomsday predictions - LiveScience-
MSNBC reports: "Most prophets of doom come from a religious perspective, though the secular crowd has caused its share of scares as well. One thing the doomsday scenarios tend to share in common: They don't come to pass."

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