Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Way News - A president of Europe? Continent's unity is tested
My Way News reports: "The European Union has battled long and hard for this moment: the imminent choice of its first president. To get there, the EU strong-armed Irish voters, brushed aside hostile French and Dutch ballots, and pressured the Czech president into agreeing to a single leader to give Europe a strong voice on the world stage. Yet after all that, EU leaders meeting Thursday may end up picking someone from a small country with little international power instead of a charismatic heavyweight to head this continental bloc of 27 nations, half a billion people and huge economic heft."

Comment: I'm hesitant to get too excited by this. It will be an important milestone, to be sure, but I know what everyone in BPland will be thinking...and we should not jump to that conclusion. The first person to hold a new position often defines the role, true, but successors often enlarge the role beyond the scope initially defined.


Anonymous said...

How come you haven't mentioned the Copenhagen climate treaty? That's more global government than the EU.

Portents said...

Thanks for your comment. I've been following the climate treaty talks but I have not blogged about it because I don't think it's credible. The environmental activists are way ahead of the politicians in terms of what is realistically possible. I know that you have heard fear-mongers talking about the U.S. and other countries giving up their sovereignty to the U.N. because of this treaty, but what you need to realize is that the U.S. and other countries aren't about to do this, even if it's what the green activists want. So, it's a non-starter. That's not to say that it couldn't happen in the future, and we should be watchful, but for now, the climate treaty is dead.