Friday, November 19, 2010

My Way News - Obama: NATO to erect missile shield for Europe
My Way News reports: "President Barack Obama won NATO summit agreement Friday to build a missile shield over Europe, an ambitious commitment to protect against Iranian attack while demonstrating the alliance's continuing relevance - but at the risk of further aggravating Russia."

Comment: I have mixed feelings about this. If the U.S. believes that Europe is safe behind a missile shield then is it possible that a permissive attitude toward the Iranian nuclear program could develop? Many people assume (especially in Israel) that it's simply unacceptable for Iran to have even one nuclear missile. But, if Europe and Israel are protected by shields, then what's the harm of removing the "attack Iran" option from the table and allowing Iran to have a small nuclear arsenal? I don't agree with this idea and I'm not suggesting that it's likely, I'm just saying that allied acceptance of a missile shield is not necessarily the great advance that it appears to be, not if it leads to appeasement.

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