Monday, October 17, 2011

Yahoo! News - Election-year goals of Christian group questioned
Yahoo! News reports: "These preachers believe demons have taken hold of specific geographic areas, including the nation's capital. They also promote a philosophy of public engagement known as the "seven mountains," which urges Christians to gain influence in business, government, family, church, education, media and the arts as a way to spread righteousness and bring about God's kingdom on earth. The language seems close to dominionism, the belief that Christians have a God-given mandate to run the world."

Comment: You probably already know this, but it's worth stating, the Second Coming is not dependent on U.S. domestic politics. Dominionism is a false teaching that contradicts scripture, including prophetic scripture. The world is not going to become more Christian as the end times progress, it will become less Christian. This is self-evident to even the casual Bible student, which leads me to believe the true goal of this movement is not preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but of securing power for themselves under a Christian banner.

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