Friday, December 07, 2018

Covenant With Many - Jerusalem

U.S. resolution condemning Hamas fails at United Nations
UPI reports: "The United Nations failed to pass a U.S. resolution condemning Hamas and other militant groups for their activities against Israel in Gaza. While the majority of the U.N.'s general assembly voted for the resolution Thursday, the United States and outgoing ambassador Nikki Haley were outflanked procedurally, losing a vote beforehand requiring a two-thirds approval for the resolution to pass, instead of a simple majority. In the end, 87 countries voted for the resolution condemning Hamas, 57 voted against and there were 33 abstentions."

Comment: What a burden (or a burdensome stone as Zechariah said) Jerusalem is to the nations. Why can't they let it go? Why is this small little country of Israel always at the top of the international agenda, as if somehow they were a superpower or a strategic competitor? Israel has no oil like Saudi Arabia. Israel is not at the crossroads of East and West like Turkey. Yet the status of Israel is a constant issue among the nations of the entire world. It's a wonder to behold.

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