Friday, August 08, 2003

Archbishop of Canterbury to Convene Emergency Primates Meeting
Straight from the horse's mouth this comes. The meeting will take place "in Mid-October." The Archbishop says, "I am clear that the anxieties caused by recent developments have reached the point where we will need to sit down and discuss their consequences. I hope that in our deliberations we will find that there are ways forward in this situation which can preserve our respect for one another and for the bonds that unite us. I hope we can use the time between now and then to reflect, to pray, to consult and to take counsel." Oh, really? Let us see what "counsel" you take, Most Reverend Archbishop. I still say that Episcopalians need to walk away from their ornate properties, meet in high-school auditoriums if they have to, and separate themselves from what has been an apostate denomination for some time. Touch not the whitewashed wall [Acts 23:3].::Submitted for your Biblical separation [2 Corinthians 6:14-18] files.

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