Monday, June 21, 2010

My Way News - Radar reveals extent of buried ancient Egypt city
My Way News reports: "An Austrian archaeological team has used radar imaging to determine the extent of the ruins of the one time 3,500-year-old capital of Egypt's foreign occupiers, said the antiquities department Sunday. Egypt was ruled for a century from 1664-1569 B.C. by the Hyksos, a warrior people from Asia, possibly Semitic in origin, whose summer capital was in the northern Delta area."

Comment: This is interesting because it has been suggested that it was the Hyksos who were ruling Egypt when Joseph's family fled famine and found refuge in Egypt. The Hyksos were a nomadic people and therefore had sympathy for the Israelites, taking them in and letting them tend to their own land in Egypt, where they flourished for many generations. The Egyptians revolted years after and overthrew the Hyksos and it was the later native-Egyptian rulers who became hostile to the Jews, setting the stage for Moses and the events of the Book of Exodus.

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