Friday, October 09, 2009

My Way News - Iran to 'blow up the heart of Israel' if attacked

My Way News reports: "Iran will 'blow up the heart of Israel' if the United States or the Jewish state attacked it first, a top official with Iran's most powerful military force - the Revolutionary Guard - warned Friday [...] Tehran is equipped with Shahab-3 missiles which have a range of up to 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers). Israel is about 625 miles (1,000 kilometers) west of Iran."

Comment: While the world was distracted today by Obama's peacemaking prize, the war-making threats of Iran caught the attention of those living in the real word defined by actions, not words. As the U.S. and other countries continue the diplomatic dance with Iran, the missile technology controlled by the Revolutionary Guard continues to improve in capability in step with their rhetoric.

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