Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jerusalem Post - Watchdog: BBC biased against Israel
The Jerusalem Post reports: "A report to be published on Wednesday by a media monitoring organization says that the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the first quarter of 2010 was steeped with an anti-Israel bias [...] 'Despite BBC claims to be objective and impartial, we routinely find that its choice of stories are highly selective, focusing on Israel as an obstacle to peace while ignoring or downplaying issues such as Palestinian incitement or glorification of terror,' Plosker [the editor] said."

Comment: I'd have to say that I agree with the report. As a consumer of a broad range of news sources, I've always found the BBC to be very pro-Palestinian. Not, as the report notes, in an overt manner, but more in the spin that it gives to reports. The BBC will report every Israeli action in a negative light, but not report at all or downplay the many Palestinian missile attacks on Israel, as if to say, "that's ok, they're Palestinians, that's just what they do." But how can one take seriously the peaceful intentions of one side when that side continually launches attacks on civilians? When Israel attacks, they attack military targets. But the BBC doesn't care, they have bought into the Palestinian narrative of being victims. Their myopic view does not include any historical narrative longer than a decade or two, if it did, it would have to acknowledge the history of Israel and the region, which does not lend itself to Palestinian claims, and the terrorist origins of the modern Palestinians (I say "modern" to distinguish them from the historical Palestinians who were Jewish). People of conscience should still defend Israel even though it may be a losing battle, as BP suggests that the world will turn more and more against Israel as the time comes for a false peace to be imposed and for armies to march on Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

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