Monday, August 04, 2003

Radical Islam's 'plan' to take over America
From WorldNetDaily. An Arab-American author has identified twenty different trends and political tactics and concludes that they could all be part of a secret plan to fly a green crescent-moon-and-star flag over the White House by 2020.

Many of Mr. Shorrosh's "twenty points" look like credible threats. These are things we need to combat by getting out into the marketplace of ideas. Frankly, why the modernists would put up with an advancement of Islam, I can't imagine. Islam, after all, teaches a view of marriage that is even further removed from the Hillary Clinton anti-marriage ideal than does Christianity. Indeed, this country is galloping toward the recognition of homosexual marriage. And we're going to accept Islam in the public square? The cognitive disconnect positively gapes!

His Point Nine sounds like something out of a hypothetical Protocols of the Learned Elders of Baghdad. I doubt that any "secret Baghdad caliph" is orchestrating mass immigration anywhere.

However: taken together, it looks like a credible threat. But again, the modernists might be the ones to revolt against it. The trouble is, those same modernists will declare that Christians are no better than Muslims when it comes to the use of terror as a means of advancing our "religion."::Submitted for your war and rumor of war [Matthew 24:6] and your ride a red horse [Revelation 6:3-4] files.

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