Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Way News - Georgian conflict shows Russia calling the shots

AP reports: "The overwhelming use of force caused alarm in other eastern European countries that aspire to NATO membership, like Ukraine, or have recently joined the alliance. Russia has threatened to target ballistic missiles at them if they allow the U.S. to base a missile defense system on their territory. After the attack on Georgia, the threat is likely to be taken more seriously."

Comment: And so we have a resurgent Russia, flush with energy wealth, investing again in military power, ready to assert itself on the world stage.


Anonymous said...

As I see it, Russia is flexing for a southern expansion. Invading Georgia moves their equipment closer to the middle east. Via the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, (Iran being an observer nation), Russia is positioning itself for the Russian/Chinese/Iranian axis role it will play at Armageddon.

Portents said...
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Portents said...

Ken, thanks for your comment. I think you are right, Russia is now well positioned to lead this emerging alliance.