Friday, June 19, 2009

Kings of the East & Gog Alliance

Asia Times Online - Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan
The Asia Times reports: "The list of participants at the SCO summit in Yekaterinburg testifies to the SCO's steady evolution as an influential regional and international body [...] Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stated in April that Russia and China would strengthen their military cooperation through the SCO and engage in several joint military maneuvers. He implied that these plans were aimed at limiting the US's presence in Central Asia."

Russia Hosts 'Counterbalance' to U.S., 'Shanghai Cooperation Organization' -
Fox News reports: "Moscow is expected to use the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to try to cement the six-nation group as a counterbalance to the U.S. presence in the region. The group includes Kazakhstan (kah-zahk-STAHN'), Kyrgyzstan (KEER'-gih-stan), Tajikistan (tah-JEEK'-ih-stahn) and Uzbekistan (ooz-bek-ih-STAHN'), with countries such as India, Iran and Pakistan holding observer status."

Backgrounder: Brief history of Shanghai Cooperation Organization_English_Xinhua
Xinhua reports: "The ninth summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is held in Russia's Ural city of Yekaterinburg. The following is a brief history of the organization."

The Associated Press: Medvedev calls for new reserve currencies
AP reports: "Moscow is expected to use the meeting of leaders from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to try to cement the six-nation group as a counterbalance to the U.S. presence in strategic Central Asia."

VOA News - China Offers Neighbors $10 Billion Credit
Voice of America reports: "China is offering a $10 billion credit to help members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization overcome the global economic crisis. President Hu Jintao made the proposal at the SCO Summit in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, where a focus on economic issues has been accompanied by concern over terrorism and drug crime emanating from Afghanistan."

Comment: The SCO represents the formation of an anti-American alliance that is welcoming to Iran and determined to challenge the U.S. in Central Asia. The alliance is lead by Russia and financed by China. The alliance is primarily concerned with trade and development but there is a security aspect, and Russia and China have conducted military exercises as part of their SCO role. Full membership for Iran can be expected in the near future.

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