Monday, August 17, 2009

School brass facing prison time for luncheon prayer -
CNN reports: "Two Florida school administrators face contempt charges and possible prison time for saying a prayer at a school luncheon. Frank Lay, principal of Pace High School, and Athletic Director Robert Freeman are accused of violating a consent decree banning employees of Santa Rosa County schools from endorsing religion."

Comment: Say a prayer, go to directly to jail? I wonder how their actions could possibly be construed as an attempt to create a state religion? Creating a state religion, of course, would be against the U.S. Constitution, but offering a prayer? If so, would the Constitutional Convention have been opened with a prayer? It seems incredible that American citizens could be sent to jail for praying over a meal, but in a society which rejects God in the public square, I guess that is possible. I hope that a court, perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court, will decisively state that freedom OF religion does not imply freedom FROM religion, and that government mandated freedom FROM religion is necessarily damaging to freedom OF religion.

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